More P1 and N82 pictures

The first days with the P1 are over now. One of the things I love most is the stylish look. It looks pretty nobly and like an enterprise device. You can control the whole device using just two things – the wheel and and backbutton. Nevertheless I have not enough time to test it deeply because I’ve also a N81 8GB and N82 which I have to sent back soon. So, as soon as I sent these two multimedia computers back, I will post more about the P1. Here are some pictures of the P1 and the N82. Stay tuned to read my review and other tests.


~ by Norman John on November 24, 2007.

8 Responses to “More P1 and N82 pictures”

  1. […] [bron: symbianworld] […]

  2. passt zwar nicht zu den bildern, aber: kannst du was über die geschwindigkeit vom gps sagen, wenn man agps ausgeschaltet hat?

  3. Wieso musst du dein N81 wieder zurückschicken? Ich dachte, du hast es gewonnen?

  4. @Nico
    I’ll test it tomorrow

    I won it only for trialing

  5. P1 is looking so much better than N82 in my opinion! 😀

  6. Nokia’s screens are garbage… Sony’s where it’s at… I have a 8GB P1i and its truly top of the line

  7. yes…you realy right…Nokia brag about 16 millions colors, but SE have often better screens…just look between N82 and k850…all reviews say the same..k850 screen are much brighter, more crispy……so much for all 16 millions of colors

    P1 is soooooo much more beatiful then N82..(sure N82 have better camera & gps), but P1 is better on everything else

  8. you got the phones that i want 😥

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