Important:Win a chance to trial an N81!

Yes! You read right. You can win an N81 for 2 weeks. The guys and girls over WOMWorld started a crazy contest where you can be one of the first N81 tester. You just have to post your video of your lip syncring N81 song. Here you can find more information. Please support Symbianworld and sent this link to everybody you know – thx .

Please watch my video and sent it to everybody you know.

Here’s how to enter and some T&C’s:

    Create video of you lip-syncing to the n81 Pop4Real song
    Upload the video as a response to the original N81 video posted by Aaron Spector on YouTube
    Tag the video with Nseries WOM World and your name/online handle
    All other tags must be relevant to the video or your video will be disqualified


    By submitting your video to the competition you assign the copyright to WOM World. WOM World reserve the right to use all material submitted for entry in the competition for promotional and other purposes.
    Submissions must not contain any defamatory, threatening, obscene, harmful or pornographic material or material which would violate or infringe in any way the rights of others (including intellectual property rights, rights of confidentiality, or rights of privacy) or cause distress or which does not comply with all relevant laws.
    All entries are subject to approval by WOM World and may be rejected without any reason given.
    By submitting material, you warrant that any persons appearing in the material sent have given their full permission to appear.
    It is the responsibility of every entrant to ensure all relevant permissions are obtained when submitting material
    Any changes or alterations made to the competition, or to these terms and conditions, are at the discretion of the WOM World and can be made at any time without notice. It is the responsibility of the entrant to ensure they are aware of such changes.
    All entries must conform to You Tube’s terms of use.
    WOM World’s decision on all matters relating to the competition is final. No correspondence will be entered into.

~ by Norman John on October 13, 2007.

9 Responses to “Important:Win a chance to trial an N81!”

  1. lol

  2. Super vid, Norman. 😉

    I hope you´ll get it!

  3. Make some advertisement for my video 😉

  4. HAHAHA! can you open your mouth wider? it looks like your mumbling. haha. but its cool. haha.

  5. GO norman GO norman *doing the maccarena dance*

  6. […] by Michell Bak on October 10th, 2007 I guess you’ve all read that it’s possible to trial a N82 by doing a video of yourself lipsyncing the song “N82″. Well, here’s my friend […]

  7. Nice stuff Norman!
    Best of luck!

  8. Congratulation Dude !!

    Greg (Symbianfrance)

  9. Thx @ all

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