Interview: Ricky Cadden

I’m really glad to tell you, that Symbian-Guru, Ricky Cadden, took time for me to answer my questions. Here we go…

Previous interviews:

Michell Bak

Michael Hell

-Gregory Taieb

So,tell me something about your person.(age,hobby etc.)
I’m 24, and by day I am currently a Cable Ad Sales Executive. To my friends, I sell air. In my head, I make it possible for small-to-large businesses to reach the masses on the most popular and powerful media in the country – TV, in an affordable and effective way. I LOVE the outdoors. Anything outdoors, really, specifically camping and cooking out and whatnot. I have a chocolate lab, Abilene, who’s about a year and a half old, and a beautiful girlfriend named Christina who not only tolerates, but also tries to get involved with my mobile/internet life as well.

How do you came to the mobile and S60 scene?
I’ve always loved cellphones. Had one Qualcomm on Sprint for a year, and been with SBC/Cingular/AT&T with a Nokia ever since. I was choosing between the 6230 and 6620, and the 6620 came out first, that’s how I got into S60, been obsessed ever since. Started on the Phonescoop discussions, till someone suggested that I head to HowardForums, and that’s where I’ve learned nearly anything I know.

Tell us something about your blog.
It conveniently launched on the same day I started dating Christina, and is one of the most personally satisfying things I’ve ever invested in. I try to keep the perspective of someone who’s new to S60, and hopefully help them use their phone better and enjoy it more.

Why did you start blogging?
Symella was ported to S60v3. I’d started an active thread on HowardForums to get it ported, and when it finally was, I found myself emailing the sites that I read; Darla Mack, Engadget, Mobiletracker, etc. Finally I stopped and said, why don’t I just have my own site? So I did.

Do you have a idol(blog or forum)?
I think the guys behind AllAboutSymbian. Though I’m not an active member of their forums (I can barely keep up with HoFo and Symbian-Guru, I can’t handle another forum) I REALLY enjoy the content on their site, as well as the slight interactions that I’ve had with Krisse, Ewan, and Steve. I like that they’re friendly and helpful to others.

What was your first S60 phone and which device do you have at the moment?
As stated above, the 6620 was my first s60, and the beginning of me being known as someone who uses everything about their phone. It’s a reputation I built on HowardForums, and maintain now. I’m currently using the Nokia N95, and it has completely replaced my iPod, among other things.

What do you like most about S60?
I’ve said it before, and I’ll stick to it: the community. Everyone that I’ve met who’s connected in any way to S60, be it user or employee has been really friendly and seems genuinely interested in helping grow the community. S60 is a lifestyle, moreso than anything else, and that’s what I like the most about it.

Where should S60 make improves?
2 facets: the first is in testing, honestly. Real world testing. If they’d given some power users the N95, it wouldn’t have the RAM issues and other initial stability issues, and the same with other models. I’m sure they test plenty, but I wonder how much actual real world testing their devices get. The second is in marketing. Like I said, S60 is a lifestyle, and should be marketed as such, specifically in the US.

Thanks, Norman, for your patience on this interview, and thanks for picking me for the interview. Keep up the great work on your site!


Ricky Cadden

~ by Norman John on August 26, 2007.

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